Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birthday cake

This was the first cake I've ever baked.  It was horrific.  All the people under two seemed pretty into it though.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Who's happy?

I am.  It's been a good week.  Things are moving along in this here part of the woods. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The nugget's birthday was yesterday.  We had cake and played on the slide that Grandma got him and opened presents and basically had an AWESOME day.  I can’t believe it’s been a year.  I also can’t imagine that he was never around.  We’re some lucky cats I tell ya.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Baby had his first fever this week.  We were pretty calm about it but like, when I was not with him I was pretty sure that he was dead.  This part of parenting sucks.

Monday, May 16, 2011

It's not even Christmas

Well, now that these suckers have broken on through we live with a happier nugget.  It's not like he howls 24/7 when he's teething so much as he exists in an constant state of damp malaise.  Things are better now.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The kid’s getting weird about food.  Up till now, I could shovel whatever I wanted into his smiling maw and he was gtg.  Now, he wants to subsist on avocados, yogurt and paper.  What’s up with babies and pica?  You won’t eat peas but you can’t get enough of dirt?  I mean, it could be worse I guess. I’m starting to worry he’s going to be a food freak show like dear old daddy.

Apparently, my husband spent the third year of his life eating only hotdogs and grapes.  His mother recalls this time fondly so I’m assuming that it wasn’t a prolonged murder attempt on her part.  When we first met he subsisted solely on frozen pizza and shawarma.  The only reason he’s broken from this habit is because I do the cooking and insist that he have vegetables.  I mean, I don’t make him touch the nasty veggies to his other foods or anything.  I am a kind and caring wife in that way.

I’m going to continue to try and feed the baby other stuff but like, it’s just so much easier to give them what they like.  Making my husband quietly suffer through asparagus is fun for me.  The baby, he’s not so quiet, and he throws stuff.  Sobbing people who throw stuff at you?  You give them the yogurt.
When he gets a little older I’ll be way stricter about it.  For now I’ll continue focusing on the husband.   

Tonight we dine on broccoli.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Now I'm sick and it's been raining for days.  How do you entertain a baby?  Dress him up and laugh/with with him about how funny he looks.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kim Jong Illin'

When you’re out with a little one the reaction from strangers is pretty standard.  First, they smile at the baby in either an excited or wistful way.  They then raise their gaze to mom and comment on the sweetness your child has injected into their otherwise shit day.

That’s what I’m used to.

That ain’t how it rolls at the airport.  You really want to intimidate people, have them fear you?  Travel with a baby.  People try to smile but their eyebrows rise just a little too high.  Are you and this potentially screaming torrent of snot going to be on their plane?  When you pass the line to pre-board (bonus!), people have more difficulty disguising their horror.   

I took it all in stride.  I wasn’t concerned about the nuggets reaction to the flight.  He’s pretty happy go lucky and I figured he would be fine.  People’s reactions were so different from what I’m used to though.  The kid was a chubby little pariah.  I guess I should have worried more.  Maybe I should have been upset.

I enjoyed it though.  I enjoyed the power. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Nations Capital

We're fat and have colds but it was worth it.