Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Husband: 'Only the Women's network would be this patronizing to women.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

Patron of the arts

Wife: 'THIS is the new Lady Gaga video?  It looks like a shitty 80's video.'
Husband (with a huff): 'It's obviously an homage.'
Well alright then.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The trouble with tribbles

So we moved my mother this week. 

We sorted and moved forty two years worth of stuff.    Every time you opened a closet you would find stuff clinging to the top shelves like coral on a rock.  You would close a cupboard door, satisfied that you got all the stuff out, only to come back in an hour to hear the muffled sound of giggling.  The stuff somehow got back in the cupboard.  The stuff was mocking us.   

I grew to hate the stuff. 

Anyway, the party is over.  She is ensconced at her new apartment and it is lovely.  The stuff is not unpacked yet.  I hope it doesn't revolt against the new apartment.  I mean, I would hate to have to burn the stuff...really really hate that.

It’s sad to leave the house you grew up in.  It’s also pretty snappy that the attached picture is mom’s view from her apartment.  Yeah, only on PEI would the normal view from an apartment be Malpeque Bay.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Daddy picked up this car at a community yard sale for two bucks.  The nugget is SUPER into it.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Handsome AND Handy

My husband is building a new front porch on our house.  He’s handy.  This amazes me.  

Heretofore, the men in my life were useless at building and or fixing shit.  If it could be jimmied with duct tape or an old nail then my dad would take a crack at it.  He never like, ‘fixed’, anything so much as made it sort of useable.   Using most of the appliances in my parent’s house required a quick pre-operational ritual.  When people stayed with us we would absentmindedly wave our hands when they couldn’t get the toaster to work and say, ‘oh yeah, you have to prime the toaster and then turn around in a circle three times chanting before you put your toast in.’   

If an item could not be MacGyvered then it was deemed irretrievably broken.  I can remember when I was buying my first car, Dad insisted that I not buy automatic windows, ‘they will just break.’  I see now that he didn’t consider that people could FIX the windows.  He was worried that I would have to finish out a lease with no working windows. 

I thought that all people lived like this.

When my husband and I moved in together he brought his tools.  I had seen tools before but there were a LOT of tools.  Big. Tools.  I just assumed that they were genital accessories that were going to gather dust in our basement.   One of our first fights ignited with my distain at his intention to fix something or other around the house.   He went off in a huff to fix the something and I promised myself that I would not rub it in too much when he failed.  

A couple hours later he came to fetch me and show me the fixed thing.  I mean, it was fixed.  In fact, he had IMPROVED whatever it was.  I was amazed.  I’m still amazed.  

Anyway, he just rebuilt our front porch.  Check it out.  I wonder what my dad would say about this?

Friday, June 3, 2011

An oldie

I just tried to download some pics and realized that my camera batteries are dead.  Since this is a new computer I don't have a lot of oldies to choose from.  The one that IS on here is quality though.  I mean...really.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Husband wants to wear this hat about town.  I guess I'll allow it if I'm not with him. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Soooo, I downloaded some NASTY malware this week and pooched my computer.  I mean really, did I need to see that picture of Leo and Blake?  I don't even really like either of them and like, I just wanted to get a closer look at her shoes.  Anyway, finally downloaded the camera software again (had to go in the REGISTRY to fix something) so that you could see my baby in all his dirty ass glory.  Dirt, it does a body good.