Friday, July 15, 2011

Sometimes it's hard...

During our twenties, my girlfriends and I would sit Shiva in smoky coffee houses and loudly proclaim the death of gender stereotypes.  Gender differences were mythological principles a patriarchal society had used to ensure that women would remain powerless.  Men and women were the SAME!  We were all capable of corporate or parental greatness!  Nature had nothing to do with it! 

I got older.  I got married.  My girlfriends got married or shacked up, most of em with men.  It took some time for us to admit the truth.  We knew it long before we said anything out loud, but we know now that men and women are very different.  To encapsulate:

Men are f**ked.

I mean, they are WEIRD.  They are not the same as us AT ALL.  The worst part of it is that men have skillfully whitewashed their true attributes.   I wish twenty year old me could dramatically light a cigarette and inhale deeply before saying the following:  The worst characteristics about men are the ones most often attributed to women.  They are sensitive, they are impulsive, and most importantly, they have no common sense.

I have proof.  My husband recently power washed our back stair case. Said stair case is narrow and steep affair (it’s like, a story high).  He started at the bottom and then perched precariously in his crocs (best shoes possible for wet slippery work) at the top of the stairs.  OF COURSE he fell.   I was away for the night visiting one of the grandmothers and would not return unit the following day to find the body.  He’s alright but check out his ass in the attached photo.

A woman would never do this.  A woman would recognize that having a clean back porch was not worth her life.  

Porch looks nice though.

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