The king of the deal arrived home yesterday and proudly called to me, ‘I got you a present!’
I proceeded to the foot of the staircase with caution. I can smell a counterfeit offering like cheap cologne and his one smelled like a thirteen year old at his first make out party. When I descended he opened a large non-descript cardboard box and proudly brandished a box of cereal at me.
‘What the hell is that? We don’t eat that stuff,’ I said.
‘It’s for the baby!’ he delightedly replied.
I could tell that he knew this plan was flawed, nay busted, before he began. I picked up one of the twelve jumbo boxes and read the ingredients. To summarize, they were as follows: sugar, salt and chemicals…amen.
Now, I’m not raising a vegan here. The baby's already had some pre-packaged crap at grandma’s. I mean, it was ‘organic’, pre-packaged crap but still. It’s terrifying that vegetables could be poison to my kid. You think I’m going to give him no-name oaty-o’s because they were cheap?
Both grandmothers are waiting for me to break on this one. I’m confident that one of them is quietly filling a warehouse in some industrial park with goodies.
When I do drop the flag on sugar it will be by phone…when the baby is staying with Grandma.
Oh, the husband returned the cereal.
Oh, the husband returned the cereal.